Home of the cleanest Rainbow Trout of South America
History of Belmira Trout
It all started when Crisanto Montagut, a Colombian marine biologist entrepreneur founded Truchas Belmira in 1993. His passion for marine life extended with a particular interest on a local fresh water fish, the Oncorhynchus Mykiss commonly known as Rainbow Trout.
Starting as a local trout farm project from the early 90's, today, Truchas Belmira SAS dominates the Colombian Market with a solid international footprint. Throughout the years with global recognition becoming the world's first Rainbow Trout supplier to earn the BAP Certification and a solid organization with values that led us to open our North American B.U.
Belmira Trout Seafood is located in the sunshine state of Florida strategically located to not only sustain multiple imports in the US but as home of the Sales & Marketing office, serving retailers & restaurant chains across the nation.